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Friday, February 25, 2011


So I go in there and of course he'd have to have both hands and arms UNDER the pillow. I had to move his limbs, then I'm searching and searching for that damn tooth. Can't feel it anywhere. I start thinking did he knock it out? But then if he did, what if he finds it a day later on the floor somewhere and the whole myth is shot to hell. The very longshot theory occurred to me too; the toothfairy really does exist and came and got the tooth before I did but then stiffed him. Then I realized I'm the only one to whom that would happen and not my son, so I dismissed it. Swear to God it took my like 5 minutes to find the damn thing, lol. Got it, switched it with the rolled up bill, crept out. All was fine.

Then in the morning he comes and gets me and says the toothfairy took his tooth but didn't give him anything. At this point I'm thinking did my mortgage company send s.w.a.t. in at midnight to get whatever they could? I go in with him, sure enough, we're looking everywhere. No bill. So I'm stalling for time with all this bullshit about "Well it MUST be here somewhere Jack I've NEVER known the toothfairy to not give something." Finally, almost as long as it took to find the tooth, he found the bill, on the floor between the bed and a table. Must have thrashed and knocked it out. He was so happy, so proud. His sister woke up and Jack immediately told her all about it. She listened intently with big eyes, then simply said in a whisper... "awesome!" Half hour later he was playing a computer game and Mina was sitting in bed with me and I notice her finger is in her mouth. I ask what's up. She just turned 4. You know those little natural gaps between kids' baby teeth? She's feeling at those and says, "Daddy, I think I'M missing a tooth too. I need some money."


Blogger tjarrett said...

That's adorable.

My wife is watching some friends' kids for the weekend, I stopped by last night to help out. They really do say the darnedest things... ;)

February 26, 2011 at 8:35 AM

Blogger Mary said...

Jeff - thanks for sharing your adventure, it sure brought a smile to my face. Your kids are so lucky to have you!! And watch out for Mina, she is a smart one!!!! :)

Regarding the amount - we used to give dollars, but now that my son is 12 and still has 4 baby teeth (lost 4 in the past few months, had 4 pulled a couple of years ago) we have upped it to $5 just to try to get the darned things out!!

Enjoy those kids and keep us updated on your future endeavors. With the internet we may still get our D&D fix!!!


February 26, 2011 at 9:17 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cute stories...thanks for sharing!

Oh..podcasts were AWESOME! Miss you guys!


February 26, 2011 at 9:54 AM

Anonymous L.T.D. said...

Jeff, that is so precious! Thanks for sharing.

February 26, 2011 at 10:46 AM

Anonymous Patty said...

Cute! You're such a good dad.

February 26, 2011 at 12:51 PM

Blogger Jen said...

LOL! And I mean that literally. I'm glad it worked out, but you're going to have to hold Mina off for another year, or you'll go broke! Maybe you could get her to help you with things around the house for a little money.

February 26, 2011 at 3:06 PM

Blogger manipandi said...

Smart cookie, that little Mina. Wishing you all the best. Was great hearing you and Bill on the radio last week. Listened to the live stream and some podcasts.

February 26, 2011 at 8:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too cute! My son was the same way when he realized that the "tooth fairy" gives you money in exchange for your tooth....he was ready to pull all his teeth out!

Just to share one moment I had with my daughter. (This was about 9years ago) My daughter was 4 and I was pregnant with my son. Driving home I saw a Dairy Queen and suddenly had a craving for some ice cream. I asked my daughter if she wanted to stop to get some and she excitedly agreed. But when I said let's get a hot fudge sundae she starting whining. I thought maybe she didn't like hot fudge sundaes. When I asked her what was wrong, she said she didn't want to wait until Sunday, she wanted it today. :)

Many more happy moments to you.

Claudine Vitti

February 27, 2011 at 12:14 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff, next time put the tooth inside an envelope before you put it under the pillow. Those little tiny teeth are impossible to find!

The money can go in the envelope too before you put it under the pillow.

Thanks for the story. :-)

February 27, 2011 at 12:15 AM

Blogger gottalovemichigan said...

Jeff, you're a great story teller. Seriously. I started laughing out loud. I'm glad you're posting more.

February 27, 2011 at 9:56 AM

Blogger faithmd said...

Jeff, I follow your blog religiously and love your posts.
What a wonderful story about the tiny tooth! You are an amazing storyteller, I can see why you did stand up in the past. You have a very descriptive way of writing/speaking.
I would concur with the person above me who wrote about putting teeth in an envelope. My mother did that with me (she reused a very bright pink envelope from a card), I think it made it that much easier for her and my father to find the tooth and slip the money back under the pillow.

Take care and can't wait to hear more from you and Bill in the future. Keep your chin up and know we are all out here cheering you on. You are a great dad and Bill is a great partner!

February 28, 2011 at 3:31 AM

Anonymous Tim from Flint said...

Great story Jeff! Hope you keep posting. Love to hear your stories!

February 28, 2011 at 5:49 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

"Congratulations on a successful mission Mr. Phelps....."

February 28, 2011 at 6:43 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff, that's adorable. Make sure you PRINT a copy of your blog post so Jack can read it after "the day" you reveal the truth to him. He'll enjoy that. Also, I agree with the previous poster about using an envelope. That's what we did when we were kids. And it makes it easier for "the tooth fairy" to find. :)
-Mark in Hazel Park-

February 28, 2011 at 6:45 PM

Blogger Kelly said...

you need to write a book mr. fairy :)

March 3, 2011 at 1:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too cute!!!! I do miss you guys terribly on the radio and am glad that the internet was invented so I can hear your podcasts.

March 3, 2011 at 2:44 PM


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